I am with you. So much more fulfilling to create than to fall into a vortex of meaningless consumption. However, I find meaningful articles here that don’t leave me with dopamine delirium or feeling weary and like I’ve wasted time doing nothing useful. I am writing a book called Tenderly Transformed: Growing and Healing Through Turbulent Times. In one chapter I address the turbulence that addictive patterns bring and ways to regain balance. Those screen time reports tell all. Fiercely guarding my focus is vital to finishing a book. But I also want to reclaim the joy of mindful living like I had as a farm girl feeding the calves or riding my horse through the woods.

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Hi Susan! Thank you so much for reading and sharing. Oh my goodness: "I also want to reclaim the joy of mindful living like I had as a farm girl feeding the calves or riding my horse through the woods." --> I kid you not, just reading these words felt like a big sigh of peace in my body. What a gift of a way of life, and what a great North Star you have to orient yourself towards. That book you're writing sounds incredible and so needed right now. I would love to know when it's out in the world :)

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Feb 20Liked by Miriam Cruz

PS I will proudly consume this without an ounce of guilt. But love the irony callout, ha!

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I love this take on it. I am a creator at heart. But I often push it to the back burner of my proverbial stove because "I'm tired....or it's too messy", when in fact....yo lazy, stop doom scrolling and go make something pretty. Or how about ya might not be as tired if you didn't stay up too late reading one more article or watching one more reel. And the mess? Well, the joys of being an adult....who in the heck cares? Right?!?

I cannot wait to see what you create!!!

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Mar 10Liked by Miriam Cruz

Really enjoyed this! So much that resonates. I’ve been procrastinating *a lot* myself and have finally started a Substack this week. Yours is the third piece I’ve stumbled across this weekend about struggling with the desire to create, self-doubt, procrastination etc. Comsuming v creating, lots to think about here.

Thanks for your words :-)

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Congratulations on starting, Catherine!! I just read your Mother’s Day post and loved it. So much of that resonated for me, too. I’m so glad to be on this journey together. I’ve personally found so much joy and also already more challenges (in a good way) than I expected on Substack. I’m really enjoying the accountability that comes with sharing in public spaces and find it’s already pushed me out of my comfort zone in ways I’ve craved but usually put off. I’m guessing you will experience the same!

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Feb 20Liked by Miriam Cruz

Ok circling back with more thoughts. I heard one quote yesterday and another today that are right in line with what you are sharing here on external perception and the fear of failure.

The first is Fr. Mike Schmitz on his podcast: “Vanity is the inordinate preoccupation with what others think of you,” and went on to say that it’s good to consider others’ thoughts somewhat because that makes us attentive to their needs. We just shouldn’t be *overly* focused on how others see us. A balance.

And the second is from Emily Chapman on her podcast, Visitation Sessions. She said (paraphrasing here) that it’s good when we fail because it prevents us from thinking too highly of ourselves. Failure is an invitation to humility, not something to be scared of. Woof.

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Ok love these both so so much. The invitation to find that balance feels key and is something I constantly struggle with. Humility is something I unfortunately do not struggle with as much because it's my constant companion. LOL jk I truly love these both, thank you for sharing. I'm bookmarking Fr. Mike Schmitz and Emily Chapman now to hear more from them :)

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Feb 23Liked by Miriam Cruz

HAHAH right there with you. Humility is there waiting oh-so-nicely for me around every corner.

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Feb 20Liked by Miriam Cruz

YES TO THIS QUEST! There are so many threads (pun intended re: knitting and sewing) I want to comment on here… what really struck me is your words on the fear of failure. Your funny line about being a tough critic of the GBBO made me laugh and also made me think about how easy it is to judge while consuming, and perhaps this posture of judgement makes us even harder on ourselves… thereby further entrenching our role as a consumer. Lots of reason to be easy on ourselves and others. So good!

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Wow YES I think this hits the nail on the head (how easy it is to judge while consuming, and then making it harder to shift from consumer to creator because of our unrealistically high bar / harsh judgments). This feels so real.

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Cheering you on and celebrating your call and choice to create, Miriam!

Interestingly, Tieghan (or, more accurately, her unconscionable haters) had a role in my own decision to quit Instagram (which was also intertwined with choosing more creation over consumption). I don't mention Tieghan by name here, but pretty sure you'll be able to pick out what I'm talking about if you follow her (sigh): https://danaleighlyons.substack.com/p/how-to-quit-instagram-social-media-addiction

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Just read your post — I identify with a lot of your Instagram journey and am cheering YOU on for cutting that cord. I'd like to say I'm right behind you, but my journey is still unfolding... 🙈 Thank you Dana!

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