I have felt the squeeze of digitalism and devices shrink my human spirit and reduce me bit by bit, scroll by scroll, to a state of numb mindlessness.

If you’re still reading, I assume you’ve felt the squeeze, too. And maybe you’re as desperate as I am to relieve the pressure of this tightness around your soul.

I write these weekly(ish) personal pieces to invite you to reconnect with your sense of meaning and fulfillment in life. This is a space to spark your goodness — the best parts of you, the parts that help you get up every morning eager to show up for this new day.

My literary pieces are vulnerable, authentic, and true. I’ll always show up in this way and share words that I think will help you feel seen and heard and inspire you to live a life that’s more authentically you.

In return, please pass along the inspiration as it strikes you. That might mean sharing a piece that you think will help someone, or finally feeling inspired enough to have an honest conversation that you’ve been putting off for far too long.

Watch your inspiration continue to grow as you share it. Set an intention to share it from a place of care and compassion — those qualities are contagious and will strengthen with practice. If you’re not ready to share from this place, don’t share yet. Set an intention every morning to connect with the goodness inside you and those around you, and try again tomorrow.

Above all else, this is a space of hope and joy. My writing reflects my disposition toward levity and exists to invite you into that state, too.

This is how I enjoy many conversations, and where inspiration often strikes: over a table of deliciousness. During a walk is another favorite :)

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  • All free subscriber benefits, plus:

  • A bespoke haiku, from me to you (digital download)

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  • My immense gratitude for supporting and sustaining my work

About me

I’m Miriam! I’m a second gen American (my dad grew up in the Puerto Rican Bronx and my mom is German) living in St. Louis, Missouri with my husband, baby boy, and dog. I absolutely love the Midwest — against all odds and against all my previous resistance :)

My journey has taken me through life as a Goldman Sachs financial analyst —> a non-profit consultant —> a NYC barista —> a venture-backed founder —> a Forbes 30 Under 30 lister —> a mindfulness meditation teacher —> an Awakening Joy teacher —> a mother & writer.

The last two are for life, and I’m grateful for it.

The others have gifted me with so many stories along the way, and I’m finally sharing some of them.

Thank you for being here.

It means the world to me ❤️

Subscribe to Getting Better

An uplifting corner of the internet made up of literary inspiration, personal narrative, and a daily experiment of unedited writing. An invitation to engage with life.


Mother & writer in St. Louis, Missouri. I write Getting Better — a space of stories that are mostly true, sometimes funny, sometimes sad, always rooted in joy.