Mar 18Liked by Miriam Cruz

Thank you for sharing such a personal and difficult time, Miriam. ‘Walking each other home’ - love that concept, makes me think of so many quiet, companionable (and often a little tipsy) journeys in the wee hours with good friends when we were younger. We always walked each other home, that’s what good friends did ❤️

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Thank you for reading and for sharing, Catherine. I love that this brought those memories back! That’s also how my husband and I started dating :) (he told me he liked me after a long walk home one night :))

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You are so brave. You are never defined by anything unless you allow it. Experience comes and goes, nothing is permanent. Keep going toward the light and you are light itself.

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River your words are so beautiful! And how fitting that you write Words that Work. Just subscribed and can't wait to keep following your work and energy :)

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Thank you!

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Mar 16Liked by Miriam Cruz

Thank you for sharing so deeply with us. I love this concept of walking each other home. It is a great reminder of how sacred those seldom few relationships are in life where we can hold each other in that knowing silence. So good.

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So grateful for you 🥲

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Being trapped in an intense emotional state like depression can be challenging as it often block out light. You have shown great bravery and emerged victorious. It's those who have the courage to seek their own light who can experience real transformation. You've done just that, and I am grateful to know you've undergone such transformation. Thank you!

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Thank you so much for reading, River. It's not fun, but I find it so comforting to remember that it's part of our human experience (at least it can be for some). I think that really helped me come to terms with my experience, rather than feel like I had to be completely defined by it. So much more to explore and reflect on one day :)

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Wow. Profound. I never stopped to realize how much our eyes DO play into our connections.

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