Jul 30Liked by Miriam Cruz

What a great post, Miriam! I don't think I've ever been good at eye contact, actually. I've always been introverted and shy, and at some point it may have been a confidence thing. As in "I can't imagine this person really cares about what I'm saying so if I look anywhere but AT them it won't seem like I care too much either." Something like that. Happy to say I've become more aware of it at this point in my life and consciously try to correct it. Because, as you say, it's worth it. Not embarrassed to say, either, that I am that mom too! I'm always telling my boys to make eye contact, ESPECIALLY in this day and age when people skills are in competition with screens.

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Ooooh that is SUCH a great call-out — it can definitely be a tool for self-preservation in that way (not wanting to be the person who cares more than the other one). I was naturally extroverted as a child and then at some point noticed I'd become more and more introverted AND more and more averse to making eye contact. I think for me it very linearly relates to my smartphone usage — which is unnerving, to say the least 🙈 I love that you're that mom!!! I'm already telling my boy this too — trying to plant the seed early 👀

Thank you Maria!!!

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