Jun 14Liked by Miriam Cruz

Oh Miriam! What a story! Iโ€™m so glad thatโ€™s behind you (no pun intended, but that was pretty good ๐Ÿ˜‰) and you can laugh about it now. It must have been so distressing in the moment! Also, I love your parents.

I have a story not unlike yours, but it involves a cat on a cross-country trip, and a cleanup operation in a family restroom in the DFW airport during our layover. You canโ€™t make this stuff up.

How old is your son? Because if you have not yet experienced a baby blowout, it is a rite of passage for new parents! If you fly with him, always pack an extra shirt for yourself as well as babyโ€™s change of clothes. I learned the hard way ๐Ÿ˜‚

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HAHA that pun was perfect!!! And I love them too :) Your story sounds amazing, please write it one day ๐Ÿ˜‚

Hahahah my boy turns one in one week! You make a good point โ€” we have already experienced too many blowouts to count (including one in his aunt's car on the way to the Atlanta airport โ€” we had to leave her with a poopy car seat and then change him on a shoeshining table in the midst of an absolutely packed airport ๐Ÿ˜‚) so I should have been clearer. I meant I couldn't imagine ever being willing to clean up after an adult like this (your baby or not!), but I know now that of course I will still clean up after him 24 years from now if need be!!! ๐Ÿฅฐ

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Happy almost-birthday to your sweet one! Yes, with a year under your belt you've seen plenty. Your story is a wonderful reminder that parenting never really ends, although our roles evolve.

I really should write about the cat one day. I think I sort of blocked it from memory for a good while, but it is quite a story.

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Jun 14Liked by Miriam Cruz

Loved this!

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Thank you Karl!

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I have heard/read a few adult poopy-pants stories in my life, and they never disappoint. Humility. Unconditional Love. Deep Support. I love how the granny panties and the pink sweatshirt are reminders of how much you are loved.

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