Mar 9Liked by Miriam Cruz

I love this essay! How often we externalize the things we believe will make us feel valuable. This is such a poignant reminder for me. Early motherhood is tough and I find myself so easily seeking distraction, even while I long to soak up these moments with my deepest presence. Both/and.

I love hearing how your love for your son is helping you deepen your self-love. So glad we found each other here! 💗

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Both/and are words we live by in our home! I'm so glad these words resonated for you. I always find it comforting to connect in these ways as a reminder that we're never alone in feeling the duality of all these experiences (even though it can feel like you're the only one when you're in the thick of it all). ❤️

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I enjoyed this so much Miriam. I see your words, “Do I deserve to be everything (salaried) or nothing (no income)?” as “Do I deserve to be everything (no income) or nothing (salaried)?”. My tiny thought. x

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Hi Danusia & YES! Thanks for being here and for sharing that thought. That’s exactly the pivot I feel in myself on my good days, and the one I need to constantly return to given the insecurity that rears its head when I’m confronted by other interpretations. So happy to have you here ❤️

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Mar 9·edited Mar 9Liked by Miriam Cruz

@Miriam Cruz my journey is different, but I feel empathy because my identity ‘lifequake’ was choosing to resign from work to be a caregiver. https://www.carermentor.com/

Take a look around my site. I've shared your article and tagged Mariah - when you read her article I think you'll resonate with her thoughts. I'd appreciate it if you would subscribe to my website as there may be others I can connect you to. Thanks!

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Mar 6Liked by Miriam Cruz

“But my unsettled soul still accompanies me.” This has been playing over and over again in my head this week. Although at first I read this line and gulped, I can now laugh when I remember it. I think to myself, lOh, I don’t need to keep over analyzing this! It’s just my unsettled soul!”

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LOL ok I love the levity here — yes!!! This makes me think of a tool I imagine many therapists use that was gifted to me years ago: naming my companions (e.g. "Oh hello, envy, thank you for visiting me again today! I could actually use a bit of space though if you don't mind!" is one example that I turned to often LOL 😶)

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Mar 4Liked by Miriam Cruz

This one gutted me and made me feel so seen. Thank you for so clearly distilling these feelings that I hadn’t been able to name before. WOW.

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🥲 Thank you for reading — this theme is a toughie 😶

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As a recovering entrepreneur and productivity junky this so resonates with me as I try and find myself as a mother! I loved Agni products and sending them to my mom friends, and it is so hard to connect with ambitious women who are now looking for something else. I feel ready to opt of the grind but I don't yet know how. Thank you for your words.

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